25 MPG in a Jeep Wrangler
By: Chris Goff
25 MPG possible in a Jeep Wrangler, using just common sense? I've done it still had a completely functional Jeep without any gimmicky devices.
==About this Jeep==
1999 Jeep Wrangler SE
2.5L inline four cylinder engine
31" BFGoodrich Mud Terrain tires
Stock height
==What I did to get 25 miles per gallon out of it==
- Accelerate SLOWLY. You'd be surprised how quickly most people get on the gas from a stop.
- Shift at around 2000 RPM. Seems to be the optimal range for maximum mileage.
- Use the cruise control on flat roads. The computer can keep an even pressure on the gas petal better than you can. Do NOT use cruise control on hills.
- Drive SLOWLY. On county roads I drive 45 MPH, on state highways I kick it up to around 50-55 MPH. The primary reason Jeep Wranglers get low mileage is due to the extremely poor aerodynamics of the body. It's like driving a brick down the road. Driving 60 MPH+ significantly increases wind speed and lowers mileage tremendously.
- Use synthetic oil such as Amsoil. Not only is this better for your engine and transmission but it lowers friction allowing an extra mile or so per gallon.
- Remove any extra weight from your Jeep. Storing that 50 lbs. bag of dog food in your back seat isn't helping things.
- Keep your fuel system clean. Dump a can of ChemTool in your tank every so often to clean out your injectors.
- Don't purchase fuel that is cut with ethanol! You will get noticeably worse gas mileage at the same cost!
- If you have lockers for your axles that you have to get out and physically turn, turning them off will net you 2-3 MPG.
Sure these methods won't make everyone on the road with you happy, but for most of us it's perfectly legal to drive 45 MPH everywhere we go. Not only do you save big on gas, but you also save on tickets and insurance. You will be able to avoid animals and various accidents much easier than before as well. Another thing I noticed is that driving slower is more enjoyable. You realize just how quickly the world goes by!
I also experiented with 3 ounces of acetone per 10 gallons of fuel. At first I noticed a jump from 20 MPG to 23 MPG, however after trying a few tanks of fuel without acetone my mileage was maintained. That leads me to believe something was clogged up a bit and the acetone just cleaned it out. It's certainly worth a try in your Jeep, especially if you've never used a fuel system cleaner before.
So there you have it. No "tornado fuel savers" or wierd chemicals, just some common sense (and a bit of experimenting). I believe I could push 26-27 MPG if I still had the stock tires as the BFG Mud Terrains are built for off-road use. If you have a six cylinder Jeep Wrangler using the above methods should net you around 18-19 MPG (if you are mostly stock).
Have fun and good luck!
This article was posted on September 14, 2006
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