Electric Scooter Maintenance
By: Jason Uvios
A scooter, which is considered lightweight, and yet sturdy, is the Buzzaround scooter. This is a type of scooter, which is a bit new on the market. The Buzzaround is manufactured by Golden Technologies manufactures. Some people also call it the Golden Buzzaround.
Gasoline power scooters, being around for a longer period have grown more familiar to mass; however, when it's an electric scooter in question, often the owners find themselves flabbergasted when their little pets grow disobedient. Little do they realize that certain little measures can get rid of the problems that cause botheration every now and then. Read on to find out more...
What should be done?
To keep an electric scooter up an running:
One should keep the tires inflated properly since smaller tires lose air pressure fast. This may result in the tube rotating inside the tire during both braking and acceleration; as a result, the valve stem may get destroyed. Also, this shall require the motor to work harder resulting in burnt armatures or brushes.
The battery must be charged frequently and after it returns to the room temperature. Heat damages batteries, hence, cooling it is recommended before charging.
Tension on the drive belt/chain must match the manufacturer's specification. Looseness causes slippage and shortens the life of the chain/belt, therefore, move the rear tire forward or backward to leave approximately one-half to one-quarter inch gap while pressing against the middle of the span. A center position is also much required; if it does not ride against the side of the belt hubs on the motor or rear tire, it may jump up on the edge and can lock the wheel.
Throttle and brake linkages require light (or right) lubrication to prevent binding.
It's foolish to ride electric scooters through wet surfaces; the water or mud can damage the electrical components.
To get rid of minor problems like:
Interrupted power: It can be a loose or broken connection or a battery with low charge. The second case is not that troublesome; however, if it's a broken connection, then expose the wiring from the top and check for the broken linkage; it can also be a failed controller box or a malfunctioning master switch. Except for the controller box, the rest should be made subject to replacement. Apart from the above-mentioned points, it can also be that the wires behind fuse assembly are subjected to a loose connection to the battery.
This article was posted on October 04, 2006
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