Harley Davidson Motorcycle For Sale For 2007
By: Low Jeremy
Harleys continuing commitment to produce true-blooded American motorcycles has produced several models for 2007.
Starting off with the Harley-Davidson Sportster.
The Harley-Davidson Sportster has 8 models. The Sportster is the least expensive among the Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The XL 883 Sportster is the cheapest starting at $6,595 7,990. The lower version, the XL 884 Sportster Low is priced between $6,995 8,390. Next is the XL 883 Custom which is priced between $7,795 9,555. The fourth Sportster is the XL 883 R. This is one exciting Harley-Davidson model with price from $7,795 9,090. The bigger XL1200 Custom is priced much higher are 9,695 $11,470. The XL 1200 Roadster on the other hand has a tag price of $8,695 10,090, The lower version of the XL 1200 Roadster, the XL 1200 Low is sold at $9,495 11,100. And finally, the model that celebrates that 50 years of conquering the road, the XL 50 is priced at $9,795 10,830.
A much higher model, the Dyna, has 5 versions. First is the FDX Super Glide with tag price ranging from $12,395 14,785. The FXDC is priced at $14,645 16,135. The mid-range Dya, the FXDB is priced a from $13,595 14,785. Next on the list is the FXDL Low Rider which is sold at $15,795 - 17,765. Finally, the FXDWG Wide Glide is sold at $16,795 18,765.
The mid-range Softtail is offered with 8 model-lineup. It starts with the FXST Standard with a price ranges from $14,995 16,810. The next one is the FXSTB Night Train at $15,895 19,385. The FXSTC Custom is priced between $16,895 to 18,485. The FXSTD Duece is priced at $17,345 18,865. The Fat Boy is between $17,095 to 18,980. The FLSTN Deluxe has a tag price of $17,345 19,315. The FLSTSC Springer is priced at $17,545 19,515. The Classic version ot the FLSTC is priced at $17,820 20,015.
The other Harley-Davidson models are as follows:
VRSC V-Rod$16,495 18,775
VRSCD Night Rod$14,995 19,050
VRSCDX Night Rod Special$16,495 17,210
VRSCX$19,995 21,205
VRSCR Street Rod$15,495 16,495
Touring FLHR Road King$17,345 19,265
Touring FLHRS Road King Custom$17,525 19,075
Touring FLHRC Road King Classic$17,695 19,565
Touring FLH Street Glide$18,295 19,935
Touring FLTR Road Glide$17,695 19,335
Touring FLHT Electra Glide Standard$19,095 17,935
Touring FLHTC Electra Glide Classic$18,095 20,205
Touring FLHTCU Ultra Classic Electra Glide$20,185 22,545
Prices are based from the Harley-Davidson official website.
This article was posted on October 12, 2006
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