Is Your Harley Davidson Ready For Sale
By: Low Jeremy
What if there will come a time when you have to sell your Harley-Davidson? You do this maybe because you want to buy another, newer model or would like to buy a much older, harder to find one. You can come up with unlimited reasons why you have to sell your Harley-Davidson of course. But with all these, have you asked yourself: “Is my Harley-Davidson ready for sale?”
If your answer is “maybe”, “I don’t know”, or a definite “no”, follow some tips below and you will surely get your Harley-Davidson sold in no time…
Do the aesthetics.
If you are a buyer, you simply would like to buy a Harley-Davidson motorcycle that looks great. Since the exterior is the very first thing that a costumer would look at when buying a Harley-Davidson or any vehicle for that matter, you should pay attention to it before anything else. You can look on the weak spots of your Harley and make changes on it. Dents should be removed. Rusts should not be in any visual. Dusts should not sit on corners. In short, your motorcycle must be clean on the outside. It will not only give your potential buyer the impression that you maintain your Harley very well, it will also increase the value of it.
Do the inside.
Some riders buy Harley-Davidson for its sound and engine performance. So, you have to keep the sound as Harley as possible. If you can, maintain the original sound of your Harley. Sell your motorcycle by promoting the sound and the engine. In other words, if you have a great Harley sound, you are one step closer to the sale.
The price.
The price of your Harley-Davidson would either depend on its current market value or on how well you maintain it. Set the price which is very attractive to buyers but not necessarily cheap. Price should always be reasonable.
The receipts.
If you happen to do some changes or replaces some parts that have to be replaced, you should compile all the receipts of these and present them to the buyer. Receipts are your supporting documents when you sell your vehicle to the potential buyer.
Remember that when you follow all these, you get increase your chances of landing at the best sale possible. Though these would help, you have to remember that working to achieve it relies on you and you alone.
This article was posted on October 16, 2006
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