Scootie Jr: The Scooter For Mobility And The Small Budget
By: Jason Uvios
The Scootie Jr is an electric scooter, giving the handicapped and the disabled the ability to have more mobility without relying on anyone. If you are able to walk, but find it difficult to walk long distances the Scootie Jr may be just what you are looking for. The Scootie Jr is durable, lightweight and will give those on a budget, an option of finding added mobility in their life, and you can too.
What are the benefits of a Scootie Jr?
The design of the Scootie Jr is one you will like. It is small, but big enough to carry someone who is up to 250 pounds. The seat of the Scootie Jr is padded, for your added comfort while you are riding around the mall for hours, or while you are taking in the sites at the local museum. The Scootie Jr is a scooter, which can be taken apart, and stored for transporting in the trunk of a car or in a van without having to be taken apart.
If you are going to get out of the house more often, you will find the ease in putting the Scootie together, without tools is a welcoming thought. If you do have to depend on someone to get your Scootie Jr out of the car, you will be at ease, knowing the chair is not heavy when it is in pieces, and it can be put together without tools. If you are on a paved trail in the state park, visiting a school or if you are shopping, you will feel at ease with the use of a Scootie Jr.
What to expect when driving the Scootie Jr
If you are driving the Scootie Jr you will be pleasantly pleased at your ability to get to the stores, to get out of the house to get to church and to do so much more. If you want a compact scooter, the Scootie Jr is going to be your choice. A wheel chair can be big and awkward, but you can use a Scootie Jr in all the same instances, and feel much more comfortable. The Scootie Jr helps you get around corners without hitting the walls, and the wheels give you that added stability so you never get that feeling as if you were going to tip over.
This article was posted on October 12, 2006
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