Shopriders Brand Brings You Mobility
By: Jason Uvios
Shopriders is a brand name scooter providing assistance for those who are disabled or handicapped in many situations. The brand name of Shopriders is one that is well known in the medical supply industry, providing a complete line of scooters, for every need, and every size of person – even for two people at the same time!
Maneuverability With The Sprinter By Shopriders
Maneuverability is a main concern for those who are shopping for a scooter. The Sprinter is one scooter that easily will turn corners closely and could easily be used in the home. The use of wheelchairs is often cumbersome, but the scooter provides you with many more options of moving from room to room or through the mall without worry of being in another person’s ‘way’ while you are in the same area.
The Sprinter is considered a heavy-duty scooter, one that will allow a person up to 350 pounds as a rider. This is one of the inexpensive choices in scooters, which you will not be afraid to use indoors or outdoors because of the stability and the ease in use of the Sprinter scooter. The Sprinter even is available with a front headlight for night traveling or for bringing that added attention to the rider on the scooter.
Shoprider And The Streamer
Another Shoprider scooter is the Streamer. The Streamer is a more compact chair, on that is going to take corners and turns in very tight spaces with even fewer problems. A joystick for ease in use controls the Streamer. The joystick is going to add freedom for the disabled who does find it difficult to hold your arms up to the controls for any extended period of time.
An added benefit of the Streamer is the quietness. Some scooters can be a little on the noisy side, adding attention to the rider in the scooter, but the Streamer is one scooter that is reliable and quiet at the same time. To charge the Streamer, you will find the front load charger is one easy to access and simple to use. If you can walk around a bit, you can take apart the Streamer, into smaller pieces and then load the Streamer into a car, truck or a van. The disassembly of the Streamer is one, which can be completed by the person who is able to walk or a second person that may be riding in the car with the person who is going to use the scooter.
This article was posted on October 12, 2006
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