Things To Avoid Before Buying A Car
By: Kadence Buchanan
Nowadays, hundreds of articles advice people on what to look for before purchasing a new vehicle. But, very few articles advice a prospective car owner on what things he or she should avoid doing.
- Never enter a negotiation zone unprepared
Even if you know nothing about cars -or negotiation for that matter- it is in your best interest to enter the "negotiation arena" well-prepared and "armed." Collect as much information as possible from a variety of sources and take a mechanical savvy friend along to the dealership of your choice. It is always a good idea to be able to inspect the car at the point of purchase; much better staying a bit longer at the dealership than having to call later only to learn that "this model has always experienced similar mechanical problems and you have not purchased any service-guarantee." Do not enter the field as an amateur; especially if you are one. Compare cars and prices, decide on the maximum available budget and stay within your price range, secure your finances beforehand and never accept whatever the price-tag says. There is always room for negotiating a better deal, even if that is in a form of a rebate or a 5-year mechanical service!
- Research is not enough for your set of car keys
You can get online, you can ask around, you struggle with the information you will be able easily to retrieve for days. But that in many cases means you are left exhausted, confused and as time passes by, possible in despair. Overwhelming yourself with a plethora of data will not do you any good. Just stop to think things through before you act. No dealer will hold a gun to your head, at least not literally, since they need you more than you need them. It is the law of supply and demand they bow to, as any good salesman, which means that at this point in time you are in control. Enjoy it and never go to a dealership unprepared or simply showing that you are unsure of your final choice. There is enough "drama" in your life at the moment; you certainly not need any additional source of anxiety. Relax, take a couple of deep breaths, keep your car possible choices under the golden number two and enter the dealerships with confidence. Exactly like window shopping. You are not buying -yet- you are just looking! Ask questions, get quotes, request price offers, ask for any extra cost that might not appear on the price-tag and make clear that you are visiting other places before you conclude. You should never give the impression that you desperately need to buy the specific car you have been asking about for the last hour. Dealers are salespeople and can "smell" need and desire, miles away. Give yourself some time to see, test-drive and inspect the car(s). Even if the dealer promises you what it might seem as an incredible deal, leave the car dealership without signing any papers or leaving a down-payment; especially if that is your first day looking. Have courage and patience -attitude here is the key- and you will conquer your goal sooner than expected. That's the spirit you should have.
This article was posted on November 07, 2006
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